Megalakult a Mensor3D Kft.Mensor3D Ltd has been established
2014. március 31-én megalakult a Mensor3D Kft.
A FreeSoft Nyrt. (1037 Budapest, Montevideo u. 8.) ezúton tájékoztatja a pénz- és tőkepiac szereplőit, hogy leányvállalata, a HUMANsoft Kft., Mensor3D Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság néven (rövid neve: Mensor3D Kft.) 3 millió forintos alaptőkével 100%-os tulajdonú leányvállalatot alapított.
A Kft. a korábbi kutatás-fejlesztési projektekben szerzett tudás és tapasztalat piaci hasznosításra alakult. Fő feladata a 3D technológiák lehetőségeinek kiaknázása a korábban művelt területeken túl, az építészet, a gépészet és az egészségipar területén.
On 31 March 2014, the Mensor3D Ltd was established.
The FreeSoft Plc. (1037 Budapest, Montevideo u. 8.) hereby informs the financial and capital market participants that its subsidiary, the HUMANsoft Ltd. established a 100% owned subsidiary company named Mensor3D Limited Liability Company (short name: Mensor3D Ltd.), capitalized at HUF 3 million.
The company was established for the exploitation in the market the knowledge and experience learned from the previous research and development projects. Its main task is to utilize the potential of 3D technologies beyond the previously cultivated areas in the fields of architecture, engineering and healthcare industries.
The FreeSoft Plc. (1037 Budapest, Montevideo u. 8.) hereby informs the financial and capital market participants that its subsidiary, the HUMANsoft Ltd. established a 100% owned subsidiary company named Mensor3D Limited Liability Company (short name: Mensor3D Ltd.), capitalized at HUF 3 million.
The company was established for the exploitation in the market the knowledge and experience learned from the previous research and development projects. Its main task is to utilize the potential of 3D technologies beyond the previously cultivated areas in the fields of architecture, engineering and healthcare industries.